Mentee Bundle - Codes In Books

Marriage Mentors

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Mentee Registration Codes:
Registration Codes required for the Mentee Couple found inside the cover of the Devoted workbook.
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The Mentee Bundle includes the items needed for the Marriage Mentors process. Purchase when directed by local Marriage Mentor Ministry leadership. Please note that Strong Marriages does not assign Mentors, and this material is not self-guided.

The Mentee Bundle to be shipped includes:

  1. Two (2) Marriage Mentors Online Training and Support System™ Registration Codes required for the Mentee Couple found inside the cover of the Devoted workbook
  2. Two (2) copies of the Devoted workbook
  3. One (1) copy of the Mentor Journal (to be given to the Mentor Couple)
  4. Two (2) copies of Husband and Wife Prayer Cards

For more information, please visit:


What others are saying:

"At First Baptist Dallas we believe in strong marriages, and I’m not just talking about the concept – I’m talking about the organization Strong Marriages and how it has helped us in strengthening the families in our church as they do throughout the nation. No nation, no church is any stronger than the families that make up that church or nation, and no family is any stronger than the marriage relationship that is the foundation of that family."

– Dr. Robert Jeffress
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Dallas

"Wondering which marriage mentoring program is the best for couples in your church? Amidst a host of top programs, if I could sit down with you, I’d tell you to pick Marriage Mentors. Their training and amazing ongoing support system for mentors takes loads of pressure off of you or your staff. Even more, their solidly biblical approach changes lives and saves marriages – I’ve seen it first hand. This Devoted book is one great example. It can help you put a biblical foundation under a marriage that’s unshakable."

– John Trent, Ph.D.
President, and The Blessing Challenge

"Churches must provide families and children with the support they need to ensure that young people know that Jesus Christ is real and relevant in every aspect of their lives. Parents have a responsibility to remain faithful to their spouse and children as an expression of love and provision for the next generation. The greatest gift you can give your kids is a great marriage.

I thank God for Marriage Mentors and for Devoted. Marriage Mentors is helping families who experience the strain of broken relationships, bitterness, and a sense of hopelessness turn to Christ to calm the storm and breathe the life of God back into their homes.

I urge you as a husband and father to take advantage of the biblical solutions presented by Marriage Mentors in Devoted."

– Josh McDowell
Author and Speaker

"For many years, my friends, Dewey and Lynne Wilson were in the “homebuilding” business. Together they have helped many to plan and build their dream home. But it takes more than a house to make a home. It takes love, sacrifice, and devotion. I believe Dewey and Lynne have took years of personal experience in building their home and marriage and have developed plans that will help us all to grow, strengthen and protect our marriages."

– Dr. David McKinley
Senior Pastor, Warren Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia